About Me

I am a High Point University sophomore majoring in Strategic Communications. I have lived in North Carolina my whole life. Before attending High Point I went to Marvin Ridge High School and was a varsity wrestler and a regional qualifier. I was also a member of the Southtown Riders, a wakeboard team. I also helped voluntee at Wake the World, where you give underprivilded kids a day on the lake.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Blog post 5

 First personal computer

In 1977 the personal computer industry started. Instead of people wanting computers to do work and for industry, people wanted them for personal use in their homes. The Apple II, Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80, and the Commodore PET were all popular PC's at the time. These computers used an 8-bit screen with a limited memory compacity built into the computer. PCs were also cheaper than mainframe computer systems then, making it easier for households, small businesses, and schools to afford them. The TRS-80 was leading the market then, but once Apple came out with VisiCal, a spreadsheet design, it became the leader in the PC market

In 1977 Apple relesed the Apple II. The Apple II was a leader in the late '70s and 80s with its memory expansion, floppy disk controller, and emulator cards. This was the first user-friendly computer that allowed everyone to use it quickly and effectively. The Apple II also works with the VisiCal,, making it easy to create spreadsheets. The Apple II was also a very affordable PC that made it easy for anyone to buy. 

Another popular PC at the time was the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80. The TRS-80 was a compact PC that could be transported very easily. It featured a 4 KB memory and a primary programing language. This made the TRS-80 very easy to understand and use. This PC was also cheaper, at $400 than the Apple II, making it a great entry-level PC. They also provided instructions that made it easy for anyone to set up and operate. 

Another competitor was the Comander PET (Personal Electronic Transactor). The PET came with a 4 KB or 8 KB memory (depending on which model you got). This was a popular PC in many schools. With this being the cheapest PC on the market when the three released, it became a good competitor. The PET only came with a black and blue screen (so no color) but was a graphic design and animations leader. The PET was the top computer for maintenance, like working on a car. The PET sold very well but lasted only a short time since Comanders facilities couldn't keep up with the demand. Another downfall was the keyboard, and the instructions needed to be written better for inexperienced consumers. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Theory 8

 The 8th Theory

The 8th theory in John Maddasons theory of free expression is to protect against dissent. This theory is about how the government isn't supposed to mute the minority in the crowd because people can change their opinions and agree with the minority group. People also have the right to disagree with what the government says about specific issues. It is also the people's patriotic duty to criticize the government if they think it should.

In the news, Joe Biden is letting the United States drill for oil in Alaska. This is causing an uproar of people who dont want Biden to drill there because of climate change. People are protesting in front of the white house, demanding it to be stopped. But there is also a small group of people who are for it and want Biden to drill to lower gas prices. Since covid and the Ukranian war, gas has been at an all-time high and is upsetting many people. Trump helped by drilling for oil in the United States, but Biden stopped it after he took office. Biden said that he would be taking action to fight climate change. He is now drilling for oil in Alaska, causing pollution, and many people are protesting and telling Biden to stop.

A small number of people are okay with Biden drilling in Alaska. For many people, high gas prices hurt them or their companies. Many people have said they didn't like Biden because of the high gas prices, but the small population excited about this can finally get lower gas prices.

Another news story is on the Ukraine war. Many people support Ukraine and want them to win against Russia. At the beginning of the war, everyone was on board with helping Ukraine as long as the United States didn't get too involved, which could cause a world war. In the beginning, many people shunned people who were against the United States' help and said that the United States could give a little because of how big we are. But now that the small population against the war is the majority. Many people see this war dragging on and seeing the United States pay a lot for a war they are not even associated with. People also fear Russia will be angry with the United States for supporting the Ukraine war and go for the United States next. People are also seeing problems with the United States, like the Ohio toxic waste spill, and wonder why the government isn't helping with that but is assisting foreign countries that could bring us into a world war.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

 Blog post 3

I learned from the video that the first Supreme Court case was Murbarry VS Maddison. I never knew that was the first case that the Supreme Court had to settle and thats how they earned respect in Washington.

The most important takeaway is that the Supreme Court's primary duty is to deem the ruling as constitutional or no constitutional. Instead, they read the constitution and try to interpret what they think it meant back when it was written. 

The most surprising thing I learned was that people on the Supreme Court still need to thoroughly understand the constitution and try to interpret it the best they can. 

My thoughts have changed how I view the Supreme Court by thinking they have much more power than they seem to have. They can change the rulings of cases after the fact and interpret the commands however they belive they should be. This gives them a lot of power in the government that not many people see.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

 Privacy On And Offline

Since the internet became a hit, companies and the government has been tracking what we have been looking at online, what we purchased, and how long we have been looking at a website. This issue has affected all of us and can invade our privacy. Many websites could ask for your information, like email or phone number, which they can then sell to other companies like telemarketers, which bothers us all. Companies also look at what we have been looking at purchasing and send ads to persuade you into buying that product or similar products. This can invade privacy, especially when you go on a site not knowing they will sell your information. The government can also watch what you're looking up and what you buy. This should be protected by the 4th amendment, which says the government can't invade our privacy. 

The government should regulate what is being exchanged between companies because many people need to learn that their information is being sold to other companies. Many people go on a website and enter their email or phone number, not knowing their data will be sold to other companies. When putting in your information, it should say that the information your putting in will or could be sold to other companies. 

To protect ourselves, we can remember that other sites will be taking our information online. This should encourage people to look up things they shouldn't. They should also keep in mind that putting in your information can be sold to other companies, and when putting in information, you shoulinformationut that.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

News sources

 Many news and media sources can be reliable information on current events. Therefore, I use these sources to revise my news.

1. YouTube

Everyone has seen funny or entertaining Youtube videos, but YouTube is also a great place to receive news. Many other sources, like CNN, Fox, or even YouTubers, use Youtube to post videos on current events. Since you can get many different sources from just one platform, it can be easy to find many different views on an event, which can help educate you more on the topic. YouTube also gives you similar videos to watch that can also be helpful for that topic.

2. Instagram

Instagram has many posts about current events, no matter the topic. Instagram can show current events like sports or even the latest news in America. Like YouTube, Instagram gives you similar posts that you have already looked at, so it can provide you with more information on that topic. They also have multiple sources, from big news companies to individuals, that can help show different views on a topic. The downside to Instagram is that some posts are fake news which can confuse people. Instagram has taken a stand on this recently and will tell you it's fake before you decide to watch it.


The best way to get sports news is from ESPN. ESPN is shown on TV, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and more. ESPN provides people with up-to-date news stories on almost every sport. ESPN will also offer their takes on specific levels like trades, signings, and firings. 

4. Apple Weather App

Every day we wake up, I think the first thing we do is wonder what the weather will be like that day. With many people having iPhones, the Weather App on the iPhone is a great place to see everything from temperature to air quality. In addition, the Weather App is very reliable and provides up-to-date forecasting.

5. Good Morning America

Good Morning America is a great way to quickly get up-to-date news. They fast talk about popular up-to-date stories and provide weather forecasts. They also offer good news stories, which can help start your day off right.

Final Blog post

     Everyone who has been on the internet has an online footprint. Any time you look up something, post on social media, or even read somet...