About Me

I am a High Point University sophomore majoring in Strategic Communications. I have lived in North Carolina my whole life. Before attending High Point I went to Marvin Ridge High School and was a varsity wrestler and a regional qualifier. I was also a member of the Southtown Riders, a wakeboard team. I also helped voluntee at Wake the World, where you give underprivilded kids a day on the lake.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

 Privacy On And Offline

Since the internet became a hit, companies and the government has been tracking what we have been looking at online, what we purchased, and how long we have been looking at a website. This issue has affected all of us and can invade our privacy. Many websites could ask for your information, like email or phone number, which they can then sell to other companies like telemarketers, which bothers us all. Companies also look at what we have been looking at purchasing and send ads to persuade you into buying that product or similar products. This can invade privacy, especially when you go on a site not knowing they will sell your information. The government can also watch what you're looking up and what you buy. This should be protected by the 4th amendment, which says the government can't invade our privacy. 

The government should regulate what is being exchanged between companies because many people need to learn that their information is being sold to other companies. Many people go on a website and enter their email or phone number, not knowing their data will be sold to other companies. When putting in your information, it should say that the information your putting in will or could be sold to other companies. 

To protect ourselves, we can remember that other sites will be taking our information online. This should encourage people to look up things they shouldn't. They should also keep in mind that putting in your information can be sold to other companies, and when putting in information, you shoulinformationut that.

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Final Blog post

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