About Me

I am a High Point University sophomore majoring in Strategic Communications. I have lived in North Carolina my whole life. Before attending High Point I went to Marvin Ridge High School and was a varsity wrestler and a regional qualifier. I was also a member of the Southtown Riders, a wakeboard team. I also helped voluntee at Wake the World, where you give underprivilded kids a day on the lake.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

News sources

 Many news and media sources can be reliable information on current events. Therefore, I use these sources to revise my news.

1. YouTube

Everyone has seen funny or entertaining Youtube videos, but YouTube is also a great place to receive news. Many other sources, like CNN, Fox, or even YouTubers, use Youtube to post videos on current events. Since you can get many different sources from just one platform, it can be easy to find many different views on an event, which can help educate you more on the topic. YouTube also gives you similar videos to watch that can also be helpful for that topic.

2. Instagram

Instagram has many posts about current events, no matter the topic. Instagram can show current events like sports or even the latest news in America. Like YouTube, Instagram gives you similar posts that you have already looked at, so it can provide you with more information on that topic. They also have multiple sources, from big news companies to individuals, that can help show different views on a topic. The downside to Instagram is that some posts are fake news which can confuse people. Instagram has taken a stand on this recently and will tell you it's fake before you decide to watch it.


The best way to get sports news is from ESPN. ESPN is shown on TV, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and more. ESPN provides people with up-to-date news stories on almost every sport. ESPN will also offer their takes on specific levels like trades, signings, and firings. 

4. Apple Weather App

Every day we wake up, I think the first thing we do is wonder what the weather will be like that day. With many people having iPhones, the Weather App on the iPhone is a great place to see everything from temperature to air quality. In addition, the Weather App is very reliable and provides up-to-date forecasting.

5. Good Morning America

Good Morning America is a great way to quickly get up-to-date news. They fast talk about popular up-to-date stories and provide weather forecasts. They also offer good news stories, which can help start your day off right.

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