About Me

I am a High Point University sophomore majoring in Strategic Communications. I have lived in North Carolina my whole life. Before attending High Point I went to Marvin Ridge High School and was a varsity wrestler and a regional qualifier. I was also a member of the Southtown Riders, a wakeboard team. I also helped voluntee at Wake the World, where you give underprivilded kids a day on the lake.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Theory 8

 The 8th Theory

The 8th theory in John Maddasons theory of free expression is to protect against dissent. This theory is about how the government isn't supposed to mute the minority in the crowd because people can change their opinions and agree with the minority group. People also have the right to disagree with what the government says about specific issues. It is also the people's patriotic duty to criticize the government if they think it should.

In the news, Joe Biden is letting the United States drill for oil in Alaska. This is causing an uproar of people who dont want Biden to drill there because of climate change. People are protesting in front of the white house, demanding it to be stopped. But there is also a small group of people who are for it and want Biden to drill to lower gas prices. Since covid and the Ukranian war, gas has been at an all-time high and is upsetting many people. Trump helped by drilling for oil in the United States, but Biden stopped it after he took office. Biden said that he would be taking action to fight climate change. He is now drilling for oil in Alaska, causing pollution, and many people are protesting and telling Biden to stop.

A small number of people are okay with Biden drilling in Alaska. For many people, high gas prices hurt them or their companies. Many people have said they didn't like Biden because of the high gas prices, but the small population excited about this can finally get lower gas prices.

Another news story is on the Ukraine war. Many people support Ukraine and want them to win against Russia. At the beginning of the war, everyone was on board with helping Ukraine as long as the United States didn't get too involved, which could cause a world war. In the beginning, many people shunned people who were against the United States' help and said that the United States could give a little because of how big we are. But now that the small population against the war is the majority. Many people see this war dragging on and seeing the United States pay a lot for a war they are not even associated with. People also fear Russia will be angry with the United States for supporting the Ukraine war and go for the United States next. People are also seeing problems with the United States, like the Ohio toxic waste spill, and wonder why the government isn't helping with that but is assisting foreign countries that could bring us into a world war.

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