About Me

I am a High Point University sophomore majoring in Strategic Communications. I have lived in North Carolina my whole life. Before attending High Point I went to Marvin Ridge High School and was a varsity wrestler and a regional qualifier. I was also a member of the Southtown Riders, a wakeboard team. I also helped voluntee at Wake the World, where you give underprivilded kids a day on the lake.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Blog post 10

Diffusion theory is the theory that products go in a wave of popularity and how many products are sold. In the beginning, it's the pioneers. They are the first to try this new product and give advice to the people who created the product. Then the wave grows and goes to the early adoptors. These people hear about the product coming out and want to be one of the first to try it out and the first to accept this product into the real world. The wave grows bigger into early majority. Most people have the product now and have taken it. Then the graph starts going down and goes to the late majority. These guys were stubborn at first but saw how good the product was from everyone else and finally accepted that it was going to be used everywhere. Then the wave goes all the way down almost to the bottom is the loggers. These people were against the product but are finally coming to the realization that they need this to keep up with the rest of the world. 

For example, a personal computer, or PC, started out in 1977. The early adoptors saw them in the selves and knew this would change the world. Then in the 80's, the early majority had PCs in there homes and at schools. Then in the '90s, late adoptors had them. At this point, almost everyone owned a pc. But a recent report says that in 2021 pc sales slowed down significantly. By now, everyone has a PC or a laptop with them. Many people dont need to buy another computer unless their computer gets too old or breaks.

The Apple II from 1977

2023 Apple MacBook Pro

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